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AI for the Everyday Person

Understand the AI world with bite-sized courses and skill-based paths for career growth that are created with everyone in mind

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Envisioning A life of joy for all

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"AI won't steal your job, but people using it will."

Now is the time to follow your passions and AI is well equipped to help you reach those goals.

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Connecting you with Tomorrow

Imagine A World Where Everyone Can Achieve Their Dreams

Building a future that unites us all starts with accessibility.
It’s our responsibility to build a world where everyone can achieve their dreams.
With the power of AI, accessibility could become so seamless that the term could become obsolete.
Together, let's harness this potential to shape a more inclusive world.

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An inclusive future is an accessible one

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Learn AI Foundations

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Become familiar with the foundational concepts, tools, and practices you’ll need to understand distributed AI.

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